Specialist in British Virgin Islands (BVI) Offshore Company Incorporations

How do I pick my BVI Offshore Company name?

Most people have an idea of what they want to name their offshore company. We group proposed company names into two categories. The first category is the generic company names and the second is the tailored company names.

Generic company names are ones that are non-specific to any business activity or use words that are very common. Examples of generic company names would be: International Group Holdings Ltd. and Top Profit Horizon Corporation.

Tailored company names are ones that are specific to a business activity or use custom words (words not found in the dictionary). Examples of tailored company names would be: TXM Global Tax Consulting Ltd., FirstGen Telecommunications Corporation or SWQ Mining Group Inc.

When you provide us with your proposed BVI company name we submit the same to the BVI Companies Registry for approval. Two BVI companies cannot use the same name. You are more likely to get a tailored company name approved for registration in the BVI.

Name checks are provided free of charge. Your proposed offshore company name must end with one of the following name endings:

Limited, Ltd., Corporation, Corp., Incorporated, Inc., Societe Anonyme, Sociedad Anonima or S.A.

If you have any questions about the above, send us an email.


Contact us if you have any questions.

Tortola, BVI
